活動訊息:提醒:2024 SLMath Summer Graduate School 即日起接受報名!! (報名截止日期: 2023. 10.25)


[大學生, 碩博班的學生 - 申請活動]

2024 SLMath Summer Graduate School 即日起接受報名 !!

(報名截止日期: 2023.10.25)

[大學生, 碩博班的學生 - 申請活動] 

2024 SLMath Summer Graduate School 即日起接受推薦申請報名,歡迎老師鼓勵合適的同學報名,也歡迎女同學參加,報名截止日期為1025日。中心官網上有活動整理及同學的心得分享供有興趣的同學參考。以下為NCTS推薦申請報名詳細資訊。


NCTS Nomination for SLMath Summer Graduate School 2024


The National Center of Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) Mathematics Division is pleased to call for applications by students who are enrolled full-time at a university or a research institution in Taiwan to attend the Summer Graduate School of the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath), formerly Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), in the summer of 2024. The SLMath is one of the most prestigious mathematics institutions in the world. It hosts and organizes many conferences, workshops, summer and winter schools of the highest quality every year. The NCTS is a full member of the SLMath Academic Sponsoring Institutions, and as such, at least two of its nominations of summer school attendees will receive full local support in addition to travel support of up to USD700 from the SLMath every year. The NCTS will make up the difference on these students' travel expense.


The 2024 Summer Graduate School program currently contains 12 summer schools hosted by SLMath  in  Berkeley  or  SLMath  affiliated  institutions  around  the  world.  For  the most up-to-date information and details about the 2024 Summer Graduate School can be found at this link: https://www.slmath.org/#summer_school

Interested students who wish to apply for any of these schools should submit the following to the NCTS by October 25, 2023.


•Academic transcripts and a curriculum vitae of the applicant.
•A letter stating which school the applicant wishes to attend. The letter should also explain more about the applicant’s academic background and indicate the applicant’s expectation of academic benefits from attending this school.
•List of two references of faculty members (with names, affiliations and  email addresses) familiar with the applicant’s scholastic achievements.
All the files should be sent to apply2@ncts.tw

The SLMath/MSRI aims to promote diversity among its summer school participants. Therefore, the NCTS especially encourages applications by qualified female students.


To help interested students get a better idea of the program, participants of the 2023 Summer Schools will share their experiences and part of the material they learned in the schools. A series of hybrid special events entitled "Gateway to the World-Student Presentations after Academic Visits Abroad" are scheduled on September 1118, and 25.  Please visit the NCTS website for detailed information.