徵才訊息:國立成功大學數學系Postdoc 招募訊息


國立成功大學數學系Postdoc 招募訊息

Job Announcement:

The Department of Mathematics at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholarship in High-Performance Computing, Applied Mathematics, or Statistical Sciences. 


The successful candidate will be advised by Dr. Matthew M. Lin on the research topics including, but not limited to, data science, numerical computing, optimization, quantum computing, or machine learning. This is a one-year position, ended on 1/31/2022. The renewal for the next two years is possible and highly depends on the candidate's performance and funding availability.  


The complete information for the salary (say, for the first year, 58350 NT dollars/month) and welfare benefits will be in accordance with the rules of the NCKU. See, for example,           


Required application materials include  

1)    a cover letter,

2)    a curriculum vitae,

3)    a summary of past and proposed research, and

4)    a publication list (including a Google Scholar link).

Applicants should also arrange for three reference letters (sent directly by the reference writers to mhlin@mail.ncku.edu.tw



Application review will start from February 25, 2021, and will continue until the position is filled.


Contact information:

Mr. Tzu-Wei Chen

E-mail: eb01034949r@gmail.com