活動訊息:邀請參加 5/10 NCTS Interdisciplinary Distinguished Lectures on System Biology


[科普活動宣傳]邀請參加 5/10 NCTS Interdisciplinary Distinguished Lectures on System Biology 



國家理論科學研究中心數學中心誠摯邀請對於生物數學有興趣的師生共同參加5/10 (五) 於國立台灣大學次震宇宙館5樓R515 演講廳所舉辦的NCTSInterdisciplinary Distinguished Lectures on System Biology. 現場敬備午餐、茶點,參與者不用有高深研究數學的背景,只要有興趣、想認識該領域的師生都非常歡迎喔!報名截至5/6(一),以下為相關活動資訊。

The National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) Mathematics Center cordially invites students and faculty members interested in mathematical biology to join us for the NCTS Interdisciplinary Distinguished Lectures on Systems Biology. The event will take place on May 10th at Room R515, 5th floor of the Cosmology Bldg.,TNU, with lunch and refreshments provided. No advanced mathematical background is required for participants; anyone with an interest in or curiosity about this field is welcome! Please kindly do the registration by May 6th. The following is the relevant details for the event.


NCTS Interdisciplinary Distinguished Lectures on System Biology

May 10, 2024

Room 515+Online Meeting, Cosmology Building, NTU


Tai-Chia Lin (National Taiwan University)

Te-Sheng Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University )

Feng-Bin Wang (Chang Gung University)

Aim & Scope

Drs. Lani Wu and Steven Altschuler from the University of California at San Francisco visit the NCTS from April 22 to June 5, 2024. They have both mathematics and biology backgrounds. We want to take this opportunity to arrange them to provide Distinguished Lectures on System Biology.

Invited Speakers

Steven Altschuler (University of California, San Francisco)

Lani Wu (University of California, San Francisco)

Poster 【LINK】

Agenda 【LINK】

Registration 【LINK】Please register by May 6th. Thank you for your cooperation.